Pond Magician is the Naturally Organic Pond Cleaner!

Pond Magician is the Naturally Organic Pond Cleaner!
Pond Magician contains beneficial microorganisms which eat toxins.When they eat toxins, they release back into the water antioxidants and a probiotic (a substance containing beneficial microorganisms) which are essential for not only aquatic life but all life in general.

The Value of Clean Ponds to the Environment

The Value of Clean Ponds to the Environment

By Clifford Woods

Environment has remained the most neglected entity in the world throughout history with industrialists and businessmen totally forgetting that they live in a world which they share with other creatures. This neglect of the surroundings we live in has resulted in severe consequences for us humans in the present day and age, which are going to affect our future generations as well.

It is for this reason that people nowadays have started putting the environment above everything else. Business corporations and industries have started paying attention to the ecological system and are trying to find out ways to limit the pollution and to preserve our natural resources.

Why Is Cleaning a Pond so Necessary? Ponds are among the environments most polluted components. This is why finding a clean pond has become a rarity nowadays. All the polluted water from the factories and industries is dumped in these ponds, which has caused these freshwater havens for many creatures to become unclean and the breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects.

Thus, cleaning a pond is not only necessary for providing a healthy environment for useful garden animals like frogs and toads but also for keeping the population of mosquitoes under control.

How to Clean a Pond: For cleaning a pond, the use of an organic cleaner has proven to be vital for the safety of the other animals living in the pond. An inorganic chemical used as a cleaner can prove to be harmful for the aquatic life that lives there and can severely damage their population.

Moreover, the use of chemicals also lowers the quality of the water and makes it unsafe for humans as well. Therefore, in order to clean a pond, it is vital that only the use an organic pond cleaner should be attempted, as it would keep the pond clean without posing any threat to the aquatic life that lives there.

Environmental Benefits of Clean Ponds:

A clean pond can be of great value to the environment. Not only does a pond make the atmosphere cleaner and provide water and a breeding place for many animals, it also provides people a chance to enjoy nature in its purest form.

In addition to this, clean ponds are great substitutes for gardens and since they have no grass they do not need to be mowed every few days, thus they save a lot of electricity that would have been used in mowing the lawns.

Another great environmental benefit of a clean pond is that its underwater soil is nutrient rich and can be used as natural fertilizer for in-door plants, thus saving a person the need to use chemical fertilizer for nourishing his plants. As the ponds do not require as much water because of their ability to store water from rainfall, they keep the water consumption down and help in saving water as well.

It is because of these amazing environmental benefits that ponds are considered an important constituent of our ecological system and are of great value to us. Having a clean pond is a blessing for a community or a household as it keeps the natural balance and provides a soulful place for the people to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Therefore, if you want to enjoy the ecological benefits that a clean pond can provide then always remember to use organic pond cleaners for cleaning your pond.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
You can find products for Natural Pond Cleaners at www.effens.com
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and sell Environmentally Friendly products

Controlling Algae Naturally in Your Pond

Controlling Algae Naturally in Your Pond

By Clifford Woods

You have two choices in dealing with algae in your pond and that is with chemicals or naturally.
Chemical methods are fine if you there are no living creatures or plants in your pond because algaecide and chemicals will kill any and all life in the water. Normally chemicals would be used in a swimming pool or perhaps outdoor fountains, any water feature that does not have plants and or fish in them.

The natural way works with Mother Nature, not against her. You could use plants and fish, or good bacteria that would create and maintain a healthy well balanced ecosystem. Algae itself is a plant, it needs nutrients and light to grow so when you add plants to your pond they directly compete for the nutrients available. Add enough plants and you naturally minimize the nutrients available to the algae.

Over feeding your fish. Fish food that is not digested by the fish is the main pollutant in many ponds. Fish eat many things in the pond and that includes algae. Too much food for the fish increases waste and provides nutrients that feed the algae. When the algae goes on an over population bloom reduce or eliminate feeding until it is under control.

Reduce sunlight penetration: Cover at least half of the surface area of your pond with plants. Water that is not covered is much more difficult to keep in balance than ponds filled with beneficial plants.

Add beneficial microorganisms

colonies of healthy bacteria found in Pond Magician are a crucial part in ensuring a naturally balanced pond. When cooler water temperatures are present add more and during the warmer months add less.

Keep the water moving: pulling water from one end of the pond and then filtering it before it returns at the opposite end will greatly improve water quality. Oxygen is added to the water as it is circulated.
Water run-off from lawns and surrounding gardens can overload the pond with nutrients and that is not good for the life in your pond.

Create a run off or add a drain tile. You must manually take out the dead and decaying plants and their leaves. Decaying leaves and or plant debris will also create excess nutrients in your pond. Skimmers are by far the most efficient and easiest way to keep your pond free of debris.

Water change: A partial water change (10-30%) every month or month and a half may also help reduce excess nutrients in some situations.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
You can find out more about Organic Pond Cleaners at www.effens.com
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and sell Environmentally Friendly products

Tips for Keeping a Clean Pond All Year Round

Tips for Keeping a Clean Pond All Year Round

By Clifford Woods

You have done all the work to create your beautiful pond. You've got the correct, colorful fish and the pumps are pumping, the plants are "just so" and you start enjoying.

You then do all the right things. Add the chemicals and things recommended and one day your pond is not as clear as it was. You cannot see your fish and worse - it's all green!
Oh no!

Well, here are some no chemicals tips for a clean, all natural, organic pond that you and your fish will love!
The first point is NEVER put any chemicals what-so-ever in your pond. They damage the environment; destroy natural vegetation and they can HARM your fish! If you are currently using chemicals, it is strongly recommend that you cease using them. At the very least, they are not safe for the environment.

Use effective microorganisms - always - an organic pond cleaner! Some kinds of microorganisms help us, but other kinds give us trouble. Among microorganisms, there are good bacteria and there are bad bacteria. Good bacteria cleans water, produce cheese, bread etc. and are of help to our health. Bad bacteria contaminate soil, pollute water and air. They cause sickness and disease and degrade health. So, look around. Do a little research and locate some effective microorganisms that you can use in your pond. Use organic pond cleaners, your fish will love you for it.

No Ultra Violet Lights - ever. Ultra Violet light does reduce the bacteria in the pond; however, the UV cannot tell the difference between the good bacteria and the bad ones. Because of this, a UV light kills the friendly bacteria in the Pond and in any effective microorganisms you are using - right along with the bad guys!

Use your dechlorinator. If your water is chlorinated or every time you add fresh water to your pond; dechlorinate. Chlorine is not good for the microbes in any effective organisms you use.
Plants and animals are not likely to store chlorine. However, laboratory studies show that repeat exposure to chlorine in air can affect the immune system, the blood, the heart, and the respiratory system of animals. Chlorine causes environmental harm at low levels. Chlorine is especially harmful to organisms living in water and in soil; so, use your de-chlorinator!

No sludge build-up! When effective microorganisms are used regularly in ponds, about every 6 weeks or so all-year-round, the black, stinky, smelly sludge build up on the bottom of ponds does not seem to happen.

Good practice:Some good practices when dealing with ponds are:
  1. Calculate the gallons of water in your pond correctly. Use a calculator - The formula is: length x width x average depth x 7.5. This ensures that whatever you are adding to it is being added correctly to your pond.
  2. If you have heavy rains, double the dosage of whatever effective microorganisms you are use.
  3. Do not fertilize your pond plants. This also fertilizes the algae - and we do not want to be doing that!
Using effective microorganisms, at the recommended dosages, all-year-round (every 6 weeks or so) and keeping your pond dechlorinated whenever you add fresh water, will give you:
  • Happy fish
  • Thriving and beautiful plants
  • No green water
  • A clean, healthy, beautiful pond all-year-round!
Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
You can find out more about our Organic Pond Cleaner at www.effens.com
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and sell environmentally friendly products

Keeping Ponds Clean with Organic Pond Cleaners

Keeping Ponds Clean With Organic Pond Cleaners

by Clifford Woods

A large number of pond owners are misconceived when it comes to the presence of algae in aquatic structures. The problem occurs where the algae is growing prolifically often distorting the color and the texture of the water.

A poor quality of water can actually stress and stunt the growth of fish and therefore understanding ways of keeping your pond clean and fresh can create a balanced ecosystem.
Where the water quality is not maintained, ammonia levels will be on the rise impacting on the health of fish. In a large number of cases, it will result in poor gill function and an inability for the Koi to breathe. Apart from the devastating impact on fish, the presence of large amounts of algae can create an unattractive looking feature.

It is important to implement organic pond cleaners which contain beneficial or effective microorganisms that will keep the correct balance of both algae and bacteria so that a healthy ecosystem is maintained.
Where matter and waste are allowed to collect in the bottom of the pond, the oxygen content eventually decreases, which means that beneficial bacteria or microorganisms are unable to control for high levels of ammonia and nitrites. Even the application of a pump or filter to aerate the water will prove ineffective.
Increased exposure to sunlight during the warmer months creates the ideal conditions for algae growth. The key is to manage the amount of waste entering water in order to control ammonia and nitrite levels. The implementation of aquatic bacteria to break down the high organic content safely and naturally can prove most successful.

Pond Magician is an Organic Pond CleanerBe sure to avoid placing large number of aquatic plants, twigs, branches and similar objects in the water as this will breakdown over time increasing the nutrient rich content in the pond.

With effective microorganisms and aeration systems in place the bacteria will begin to eat the extra nutrients and muck settling in the bottom of ponds for clearer water. Where you are able to reposition plants to provide shade and clean out filters, it may give the beneficial bacteria an opportunity to repopulate.

There are many products available to add the necessary microorganisms to the pond. Once these have been added it will work to decrease ammonia and nitrates and increase the overall oxygen content. The result is a drastic reduction in the presence of algae as all organic content is broken down without any harm to the fish present in the water.

Should the water turn a brown color, clear the area of all debris and leaf matter that may have fallen into the pond and settled on the bottom. The addition of suitable microorganisms will allow for acceleration in the break down of any remaining leaf or organic matter. Over time you will also notice the water beginning to clear and reduce the collection of sediment.

To keep your pond clean with organic pond cleaners

it is important to exercise regular maintenance. This includes cleaning filters and checking aeration systems. This will enhance the desired microorganism populations and the breakdown of excess waste.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology
You can find out more about Organic Pond Cleaners at www.effens.com
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and sell Environmentally Friendly products.

My All Natural, No Chemical Pond Never Turns Green

My All-Natural, No-Chemical Pond Never Turns Green!

By Clifford Woods
"My all-natural, no-chemical pond never turns green" is a statement made by our Founder's wife about their pond. She uses Pond Magician and Magic Sinkers all-year-round!
This astonishing statement got me curious! I knew the products worked; but never turns green? This I had to find out more about. So, being naturally curious I asked her how they did it. She explains how they keep their pond fresh and clean all-year-round with natural, organic no-chemical products.
No Chemicals and tips for a clean, all natural, organic pond that you and your fish will love!
  • The first point is NEVER put any chemicals what-so-ever in your pond. They damage the environment; destroy natural vegetation and they can HARM your fish! If you are currently using chemicals, it is strongly recommend that you cease using them. At the very least, they are not safe for the environment.
  • Use the recommended dosages - always!

When asked to elaborate on the pond itself, she says she has a 2500 gallon pond and that she always uses the recommended dosages of Pond Magician, every 6 weeks or so, ALL-YEAR-ROUND!
  • No Ultra Violet Lights - ever. Ultra Violet light does reduce the bacteria in the pond; however, the UV cannot tell the difference between the good bacteria and the bad ones.
  • Because of this, a UV light kills the friendly bacteria in the Pond and in the Pond Magician - right along with the bad guys!
  • Use your dechlorinator. If your water is chlorinated or every time you add fresh water to your pond; dechlorinate. Chlorine is not good for the microbes in the Pond Magician.
No sludge build-up! Because she uses Pond Magician - about once every 6 weeks or so, no black, stinky, smelly sludge builds up on the bottom of the pond.
Using Pond Magician, at the recommended dosages, all-year-round (every 6 weeks or so) and keeping your pond dechlorinated whenever you add fresh water, will give you:
  1. happy fish
  2. thriving and beautiful plants
  3. no green water
  4. a clean, healthy, beautiful pond all-year-round!

Pond Magician

Pond Magician Organic Pond Cleaner
gives you a clear, natural pond that never turns green all-year-round!